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Please be careful about electrical faults!


 When the electricity goes out at several rooms in your house and doesn't go out at the rest away, please be careful. It's because the one of wires in the electric power cable is broken somewhere.

 Please see the main breaker in this picture, which was taken by me before I repaired it on September 3, 2018. The terminal neighborhood of the red wire on the power supply side burned out. The burnout destroyed the red wire between the power supply side and the load side (in short, in the main breaker).

    Supposing that you faced the above-mentioned partial blackout, if you or your family are an owner of your house, you should make a request for the partial blackout investigation to an electrician qualified as a first class electrician or/and a second class electrician under Airticle 3, paragraph (2) of the Electrician's Act (Act No. 139 of 1960). If someone else is an owner of your house, you should tell the partial blackout to the owner or the caretaker of your house.

  Thank you for reading until the end!

Please be careful about electrical faults!


【PR】  居酒屋 雅と光  きへい治療院  東京・上野音楽教室 トロンボーン  セブンイレブン加古川美乃利店  アズ歯科 桶川院